BUMP Pre-Order Store - Birmingham Urban Mountain Pedalers
The mission of BUMP is to BUILD, PRESERVE, MAINTAIN and RIDE trails in the Birmingham and surrounding area. Our members, riders like you, help keep trails in great shape and open to mountain bikers. We are actively engaged in finding and acting on new trail building opportunities.
Think back to your last great ride. Surfing a ribbon of winding dirt in pristine woods, successfully navigating that rock garden, climbing that lung burning hill for the first time, squeezing between tight trees or simply enjoying the thrill of “big air.” That is why BUMP exists.
Since 1994, BUMP has gained and maintained access to Oak Mountain State Park, Tannehill State Park, and Trussville Sports Complex, built miles of new trail, and maintained the relationships with land managers and state and local governments necessary to maintain this trail access. BUMP, a non-profit 501 (3) c organization, gets most of its income from sponsors, race proceeds and contributions, but the backbone of our success is individual members like you who support us with their dues and volunteer hours. Our power comes from our numbers and our goal is to build even more trails of increasing variety for you to enjoy.
The pre-order period is open for a limited time and ends on Thursday, August 31st. These are a limited-edition jersey and gloves and will not be available to purchase after the pre-order period closes.